Bred For Health & Conformation

- Since 1998-
Our story

Over 20 years ago as the Internet emerged I researched looking for a breed that was simply bred to be a companion.
Somehow I found research that lead me to French Bulldogs which I had never seen before and so began my journey to find out all I could about this incredible breed.
Frenchies of healthy breeding were hard to find in the 90's so I joined a local French Bulldog club to meet show breeders and found my first French Bulldog, Chloe. I showed her and the first time we entered the show ring we won and I was hooked.
Fast forward to today where Frenchies are everywhere and being bred for profit and I am still striving to produce healthy French Bulldogs in the standard's approved colors and help educate folks new to the breed on locating their first Frenchie.
I am a member of the French Bull Dog Club of America and still show and breed 2-3 litters a year in the breed's standard colors.
Susan Caton
Reputable breeder located between Austin & Houston

What is a fad color and why does it matter? A fad color is a coat color disqualified by the FBDCA/AKC French Bulldog Breed Standard. These colors are also often referred to as rare colors. Those who intentionally breed disqualification (DQ) colors in French Bulldogs are motivated only to make money & do not focus on health. No responsible breeder would breed against their breed standard.